Jerry Giaimis is qualified with over 14 years of professional government executive experience. He served as a municipal manager and administrator in several complex full-service municipal governments throughout North Jersey. He is the Chief Administrative/Executive Officer and has day-to-day oversight of all municipal business and operation functions. In addition to his daily functions, he takes pride in his established networking ability with key stakeholders on all levels of government; including promoting bipartisan solutions. He received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University and holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Central Michigan University with a concentration in Public Management. He is an active member of the New Jersey Municipal Management Association and the International City/County Management Association where he was recently awarded Credentialed Manager certification. government affairs
MPA Government Solutions, LLC
143 E. Ridgewood Ave. # 1028,
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450-9998
Serving New Jersey, New York and surrounding areas.
Also serving nationally on select services
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